Thursday, August 31, 2006
11:13 pm
weeeeee! it's been a long time since i've been in a swimming pool. the girls and i, went swimming today at Jurong East Sports Complex and we had a BLAST!
we've decided to make this a weekly activity, adding to Body Combat every Tuesday. woohoo.
anyone wanna join us? =)
speaking of Body Combat, there's a member who came back after about a year break and i'm not very fond of her. she's always making a fool out of herself making sex sounds *uh uhh UHHH* during Body Combat and she'd spank our instructor. if she did if for a while and got over it, i wouldn't give a shit. but she keeps doing it throughout the hour. i felt like
jump-kicking her. HYAKK!
tak tahu malu eh? dah tua bangke perangai tak senonoh!
oh dear God, i hope i don't turn out like that when i grow older. Na'uzubillah min zalik.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
10:55 pm
Inna lillahi wainna ilaihi roji'uun.
One of our girl's boyfriend passed away on Monday from a bike accident. Nani, you amaze us with your strength. What happened will only make you stronger. We love you, sweetheart. Sorrow shared is sorrow divided, and happiness shared is happiness doubled. the 8 of us will always be there for you when you need us.
it happened so quickly. like a tight slap in the face.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
11:34 pm
they succeeded. i can't believe it. im defeated. i've officially fallen into their trap. i'm actually looking forward to the next Singapore Idol Spectacular show because i want to see Hady Mirza.
you see, i never liked Singapore Idol 'cause they all suck ass. they can't sing. 'nuff said. and my sister never liked having me around when she's watching Singapore Idol 'cause i'd cringe and just wouldn't shut up about it 'til she switches the channel.
everyone knows that there is just no running away from this whole Singapore Idol craze.
you don't watch the actual episode? fine. we'll show the excerpts in between shows. REPEATEDLY. and the various trailers we have for Singapore Idol, so it's like watching many diff. ads but it's actually jst Singapore Idol over & over again! and on top of that we'll also show the reruns on saturday. we'll have the posters practically everywhere, and we'll publicise in all the newspaper and magazines. so, whether you're on the bus, at the coffee shop or the random-est location in Singapore, you are bound to know something about the Singapore Idol. it's nauseating.
but it caught on to me. *GASP* damn it. since when? since everybody around me had been buzzing non-stop about how Hady blew the crowd away with his rendition of Sheila Majid's Lagenda and how he cried upon seeing his mom cry.
unfortunately, yours truly missed both the actual episode as well as the rerun. but i still wanted to see it for myself. what did i do? i Yahoo-ed him. and found him on YouTube.
somehow, i got reminded of a scene in Jerry Maguire where Renee said, "he got me at 'hello'..."
his performance blew me away lah okay. and dammit, why did he have to look so sweet when he was trying to hold back his tears? Hady, you made my mom and all the makciks in Singapore cry!
i still think that the contestants in this season's Singapore Idol is worse than the last. but i feel that Hady is better than Taufiq. in fact, i don't think they should even be compared 'cause Taufiq will only pale in comparison.
and guess what else i found?
click mehe's managed to charm even girls from Batam lah seyy!!
How could he not? His voice is so smooth and he sings oh-so-effortlessly. He's cute. He has the loveliest and whitest smile. He has charisma. And he's 26! haha. i don't know why but there's just something about guys around that age.
and as Hady would say...I LOIKE! hehe. yes, i actually went to read his blog. he's hot.
unfortunately though, all these came abit too late 'cause he just dropped by yesterday (for the roadshow at Westmall, which is 5 mins away from where i live). Yet, i wasn't at the very the least interested to drop by. Didn't even consider it lor! I'm a day too late. Hurhur.
I can't believe what I'm about do but,
HADY, I LOVE YOU!!!!!haha.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
3:24 am
i changed my blog skin because i can. and i like it. it reminds me of the colour of my room when i first moved in 7 years ago. 7 years. doesn't feel that long though.
somebody asked me if the dark leather sling bag i was carrying was my Mom's.
'no, it's my sister's. why?'
'haha. it looks like bag makcik bawak pergi kerja.'
from her tone, she was really trying to say, 'your bag is ugly'.
'oh, so you're trying to say it looks old-fashioned?'
haven't you ever heard of
i looked at the bag she was carrying and the bags she has ever carried before and could only laugh.
"different people have different tastes what...", said another friend in an effort to perk me up.
so true. but having
different tastes and
having a distasteful sense of style are 2 very different things.
i love that bag. not because it's from MANGO. ok, maybe partly 'cause it's from MANGO. but also mainly because it's of
good quality and has a nice feel & texture of
real leather. it is also very
simple & and has a bit of a
vintage feel to it. and it's from
im not one of those people who swears upon branded goods. but more often than not, people go for branded & designer stuff because of it's quality & unique design. and it's usually worth investing your money in a product as such. only if you have the moolahs, that is.
i should probably start carrying those adorable hello kitty bags like nor. they're cute, pretty and affordable! and if that somebody says i look like
makcik nak pegi kerja again, i'll tell her where SHE can go with her bags! hmph.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
1:36 am
movie at the padang
weeeeee. just got back from Class 95FM's movie marathon at the Padang. they showed MI: 3 and X-Men: 3! awesome lah seyy...
although, i got a little distracted when they were showing MI: 3, no thanks to a family of cinots beside us. i seriously wonder what they were doing there, 'cause instead of watching the movies, they were chatting among themselves and their children were irritating the hell out of us. i kinda wished we went ahead and told them kids in the face, "Shut the fuck up, you little bastards". thank God, the guy behind us spoke up before we got the chance. Hell, elii wanted to make them cry. we were THAT irritated!
i love Class 95 events 'cause the crowd is usually very sporting, fun dan bersemangat. apart from that cinots family, the people around us were a pleasant bunch. everyone had to stand up to play Heads & Tails and the last 2 standing goes home with a brand new printer. i enjoyed myself thoroughly. it probably helped that i changed into the Class 95Fm tee that we both bought, so i was in uber comfy mode.
we were well-equipped, all ready to chill at the padang from 4 all the way til 12.. rain or shine. hot or cold. we had 2 umbrellas which came in handy when it drizzled. and while most families brought 1 miserable mat, we brought 3! kiasu is us. hurhur. small electric fan, check. magazines & book, check. tidbits & fluid, check. super sloppy nyonya getup, check. digicam, check. SHADES, CHECK!

a family of heads

introducing, elii the resident nyonya. can you see the cute sound guys under the blue tent? =)

elii, myself & Dato' K taking refuge from the rain under our miniscule (elii's) and bright-green-yellow-polka-dotted (mine) brollies.

we love our Class 95FM t-shirts! so does that kid at the back of the pic....

about 8,000 people turned up at the Padang... catch Ethan Hunt...

...and Jean Gray!

us with unkempt hair/shiny face and DJs Glenn, Vernetta, Philips & Yasmine.
weee, yet another happening day out with elii babe! next, Ayam Penyet =)
oh, and this may be a bit late but CONGRATS ELII, you're now officially a Kakak Kerja! office wear and all. hurhur. still can't believe you actually sanggup travel from one end of Singapore to the other every single day. well done. have fun working your ass off, woman! ;)
Thursday, August 10, 2006
9:49 pm
so the results for our Tourism CA test are out...'cept mine 'cause i've yet to sit for it.
i have to sit for mine tomorrow at 10am. and everybody knows that the second set is always harder than the first. that should make me nervous, panic and start studying Chapter 1 - 4 of my Tourism notes, right? no.
'cause fiza has decided that Herworld and OK! have more useful information and they'll prepare me for my test tomorrow.
i just bought my first issue of OK! magazine and even though the layout of the magazine is not as pleasant to the eye as compared to magazines like Herworld & Female, i think it's packed with a lot of information and it's a good source of ideas & inspiration for fashion & beauty.
if only moolahs came together with the inspiration, 'cause i always get inspired to shop. *sigh* it sucks when u get all hyped up, "oh yea! i can wear that patent leather belt with that red dress like that!"
and then it hits you..."oh wait...i don't have a patent leather belt. nor a red dress". damn, the bag & the shoes would look so cute together!
shut up, fiza. you have a test to study for, remember?
a tourist is a temporay visitor staying at least twenty-four hours in the country visited for a purpose classified as either...shit lah, the red-pointed slingbacks at Topshop is selling at $47 instead of it's usual $93 lah fuck. why do i have to be broke? no, why do they have to sell it at half price when i am broke?? (recreation, leisure, sport and visit to family, friends or relatives), business official mission, convention or health reasons.Happy Belated National Day, everyone. Piz & I went to the Esplanade to see the fireworks on Tuesday and we were blown away! It was beautiful and the atmosphere was overwhelming. We stayed til past 12 to catch Jai, whose performance we surprisingly enjoyed, and ELECTRICO never fails to wow the crowd with their energy! quite a pathetic National Day Countdown though, but gotta make do i guess.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
1:21 am
i cooked.
yep, I COOKED.
and tomorrow i will be up at 6 to go over to piz's place to do more COOKING.
you know...pan, hot oil, chicken, spices, egg etc.
and then, after all the cooking, we're gonna sell it at our food stall at the school's National Day bazaar.
yep, sellling COOKED food.
notice how when you repeat a word many times, it ceases to make sense?
okay, it's not that big a deal.
the lempeng girls and i came up with old school female names for each other.
Nor - Asmara
Nani - Melor
Piz - Pe'ah
Lee - Tipah
Fiza - Chinta
Sarah - Eton
Seha - Maimon
Ila - Rokiyah
no offence kepada orang yang punya nama-nama yang tertulis di atas. ini adalah kerja bodoh semata-mata.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
11:32 pm
you know what's worse than having to worry bout what I'M going to wear this Saturday?
having to decide what the WHOLE BAND is going to wear this Saturday.
if i had to dress up a bunch of experimental teenagers, that's fine. but a bunch of self-confessed shy guys who are in their late twenties? a bit susah.
ok, i'm not all stressed up lah. and i'm not complaining. in fact, i love thinking of what to wear and putting outfits together. i guess the guys could tell, that's why they gave me the task of deciding what we're all going to wear. i'm just afraid that they may not like my idea. i don't care, if we get to the next round, we're SO going shopping. hurhur.
if you have nothing on this Saturday, do come down to Planet Paradigm and support us in the Quarter finals of Singapore Battle of the Bands 2006!
tomorrow though, i'm gonna be at the quarter finals of the NTUC Entrepreneurship Challenge where we're supposed to "run a business" and we have to play against students from polytechnics and universities. i'm silently hoping we don't get through to the finals 'cause it's on Friday and we're supposed to go Dragon Boating this Friday!
but then again, if i go dragon boating this Friday, i'm gonna be tanned and dark on saturday... why oh why do i worry over unnecessary and almost bimbotic stuff?
So little time, so much to do.
Shidah, shopping tomorrow! Can't waittttttt.....